I started the “Measure the Temple” substack as a place for those “interested in Christ”…and…”those in Christ” to connect, share, learn and grow spiritually….and to take that wherever it is to go.
I am a spiritual father of a family of people who share faith in the Lord Yahshua as a lifestyle. We live our life in community, and we have for 15 years.
We believe that we are continually growing and maturing in our faith, in our relationships with the Lord and with each other. We call the immediate spiritual family the “inner court” and we refer to the close relationships that we have with people outside of our family, as the “outer court.” For those who are aware…this is how the “temple” of God in Israel was laid out.
We are continuing to grow spiritually in what we believe is a very difficult and challenging time on earth today, but it is a time that has been decreed by God since before the creation of the heavens and earth.
We believe that He is showing us a way to live according to His desire for us…and that is…to reveal Him in who we are, and in what we do…to all that we encounter in as much as we are able. This is in effort to “reconcile man to God and destroy the works of the devil”…we are yet growing in this…so, spiritually, that's where we're headed.
We are each on our journey to become the unique part of the “Body of Christ” that He…the Lord Yahshua has called us to be. He…is the one most of you would call “Jesus” (Yahshua) and He is the Son of the living God…He is seated on the throne of God.
Our desire is to take what we are being taught by the Lord Yahshua Himself, and to pass on His spiritual “word” to His body and the world around us, today. We have a strong belief that we were created in God’s image, with a unique intention, an endowment from the eternal Spirit of the Living God Himself…which existed in His mind before the heavens or the earth was created, in other words…from eternity.
We understand that on our journey in the time we were given here on earth…we are to be reconciled to His divine intention for us, and thereby, we will be raised up by our Father to reveal His nature and His character, to the world around us. He chose to reveal his Fatherly character to the earth…through his family starting with Christ Yahshua Himself…we are to pattern our lives after His. That's why he put His spirit in each of us.
That's what we we're doing and where we're going. We just wanted a way to reach out and connect, with the family of God, the body of Christ on earth…that they might be able to receive some understanding that they didn't have or some revelation that they weren't aware of. Along with that…we have much to learn from others in His Body and we are always looking for that encounter.
We understand that the Lord is pressing towards the ultimate revealing of the “Son’s of God”…as His corporate body…on the earth…in the not too distant future…and we are looking forward to this revealing in the others He is raising up.
We need to begin with a greater understanding of Christ Yahshua Himself. So much has been written about Him…enough that there should be no misunderstanding about who He is. However…the way things work in this earth…the multitudes are simply confused in regards to Him…and most of them have no concern for Him…even though His presence is…well…it is undeniable.
From before the earliest days of creation...Christ was introduced...He is the primary desire of His Father...brought forth in the very “image and likeness” of the same. In fact He is the very expression of God the Father to His creation...He was the fullness of His Father who is a Spirit...while in the flesh during His earthly journey.
In other words when you encounter Him...you are encountering the Father of creation...personally...which is exactly how the Creator designed it...He desires to intermingle with us...His children, and this continues.
You can experience Him...touch Him...hold Him...love Him...talk to Him...live with Him...live in Him as He lives in you. He is awesome in every way...yet there is so much confusion...deception and misunderstanding about Him...by many...He may be considered the source of the most and greatest conflicts and wars ever...unfortunately.
This is all just so tragic...and as such...to live without Him is the greatest tragedy anyone will ever live through and die in.
We have just come through the year, 2022, in which we have seen a significant change in life on earth, in some cases beyond our initial belief. The things that are seen and those things that are not seen are showing themselves clearly. I know most people aren't aware of this; they're simply looking for things to go back to normal. Or perhaps they're thinking that there will be some new normal, that will be acceptable…in which they can continue to live their lives on their own.
Unfortunately, most won't even see a need for the Lord Yahshua, and I think that’s a context that is going to grow. However, there is a God and His name is Yahshua, and he came to the earth to bring us an example of what our lives should look like, regardless of the conditions on the earth.
The time that we are now in, for those who are the maturing “Sons of God”, which inhabit the kingdom of God on earth…we are sensing that, maybe there's a new sound from heaven these days. Our Father is speaking to us with an understanding that could not be recognized before its time. So he's using the prophetic scriptures to reveal his plan to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
It's time for us to grow up in our understanding and realize that there are things that are happening today that we're going to need to look at and understand. This is important in order to carry out the Lords plan for us, which is to build the kingdom of God and become the glory of God…while we are yet here on the earth.
For those who understand this, they see it as the very purpose for God creating the heavens and the earth. In other words…that He would in the end of this age, raise up a body on the earth, in the fullness of His glory, and His grace, and all that dwells in the earth and above the earth, are going to encounter this.
So…the stage is set…God is wrapping up creation which was brought forth to reveal Him as He actually is. He introduces Himself, is understood, encountered, and experienced via His Holy Spirit…which is His presence…from this point forth…He is known as “Christ both Head & Body.”